Broadcasted from Moyo, in Uganda, this is a Catholic radio station that combines information, entertainment, religion, music, sports and news through its programming. It is on air seven days a week.
Main Programs Amatura Amazing Life (Madi) Ava Avalaka Baseline Community Voices (Madi) Daily Press Review Ezuta Goliba Dri Gospel Rhythm Irota Kulu Wahid Longo Abi Ebeni Dri Lovu Oldies Owi Raa Pacis Drive Pacis Mix Saturday Sports Sunday Mass Madi Sunday Special Sunday Sports Hour The Choirs Voice Of The Voiceless (Arabic) Weekend Vibe Weekly Press Review Main DJs Mr. Amafeku Napoleon Mr. Amayo Gilbert Mr. Asiku Evans Washington Mr. Faizol Abujere Mr. Ganiku Samson Bullen Mr. Kei Emmanuel Duku Mr. Lodi Isaac Mr. Sida Alfred Mr. Unzimai Stephen Ms. Ajio Josephine Ms. Edea Vuyaya Topista Ms. Salama Ali Ms. Tasia Doreen Contact Fr. Bilbao, Moyo, Uganda
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